This codemod helps developers migrate their deno.json configuration files to the new flattened schema format, making them easier to read and write. It automates the transformation of nested properties to their new top-level structure as outlined in recent Deno updates.
{"lint": {"files": {"exclude": ["gen.ts"]}},"fmt": {"options": {"lineWidth": 80,"useTabs": false}}}
{"lint": {"exclude": ["gen.ts"]},"fmt": {"lineWidth": 80,"useTabs": false}}
The codemod handles the following transformations on the config file
| Before | After |
| ------------------------- | ----------------- |
| bench.files.include
| bench.include
| bench.files.exclude
| bench.exclude
| fmt.files.include
| fmt.include
| fmt.files.exclude
| fmt.exclude
| fmt.options.useTabs
| fmt.useTabs
| fmt.options.lineWidth
| fmt.lineWidth
| fmt.options.indentWidth
| fmt.indentWidth
| fmt.options.singleQuote
| fmt.singleQuote
| fmt.options.proseWrap
| fmt.proseWrap
| fmt.options.semiColons
| fmt.semiColons
| lint.files.include
| lint.include
| lint.files.exclude
| lint.exclude
| test.files.include
| test.include
| test.files.exclude
| test.exclude
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